
Photo Imagery

From time to time, I like to go back to previously taken pictures for a refresh. As I looked at this picture taken in mid January, I'm thinking the shot looks a little flat - perhaps uninspiring from an imaging standpoint. It was a gray day with the sun peeking a bit. Thinking back to the scene, the straight out of the camera shot is fairly representative of what it actually looked like.

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Using photo editing software, I made a few basic adjustments for a subjectively nicer looking scene. It's getting to the point where in the vast majority of cases, I can always improve the picture. Granted, this is subjective and each person may have different tastes. Some people like to desaturate to turn a colorful picture to be less colorful. Some even go as far as to make it monochrome. Some like to soften the image while I like to sharpen for increased clarity.

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The lower resolution image shown above does not allow the full extent of the photo quality and post-editing adjustments to be seen. Here is a larger resolution image.

Perhaps Computational Photography from smartphone cameras will ultimately win out over interchangeable lens cameras. Perhaps the makers of mirrorless cameras will put Computational Photography and Artificial Intelligence software into their cameras, which will require more processing power with more battery drain.

I started my journey into the interchangeable lens electronic camera in Sept/2015. In Jan/2018, the Lumix DC-G9 replaced my Lumix DMC-G7. My interests continue as an enthusiast for photos and videos captured by high quality camera gear. Post-editing photos and videos for visual enhancement is a related indulgence for me.

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